
8억원짜리 강의-브라이언 트레이시(Brian Tracy),성공학의 대가

드려와~~ 2016. 12. 13. 01:13

세계적인 성공학의 대가, 브라이언 트레이시(Brian Tracy)

브라이언 트레이시는 무일푼으로 성공한 전형적인 자수성가형 백만장자다. 

생존을 위한 그의 첫 직장의 업무는 호텔 주방에서 접시를 닦는 것이었다. 

이후에도 목재소, 주유소, 주차장, 화물선 등을 쉽게 벗어나지 못한 채 자신에게 주어진 일들을 닥치는 대로 했다. 

현재는 '브라이언 트레이시 인터내셔널'사의 CEO로, 세계적인 비즈니스 컨설턴트로, 전문 연설가로 활동하고 있다. 

그는 고등학교를 중퇴한 뒤 뒤늦게 공부를 시작해 MBA를 취득했으며, 경영학 박사 학위를 받았다. 

'브라이언 트레이시 인터내셔널'사를 설립하기 전까지 22개의 직업을 가지고 

세일즈, 마케팅, 투자, 부동산 개발, 경영 컨설팅 등 다양한 분야에서 수많은 성공신화를 탄생시켰다.

불우한 가정에서 태어난 그는 성장 과정에서도 문제아 취급을 받았다. 

게다가 학교생활과 성적도 시원치 않아 자의 반 타의 반으로 고등학교를 중퇴했다. 

생존을 위해 그가 선택한 첫 직장의 업무는 호텔 주방에서 접시를 닦는 것이었다. 

이후에도 목재소, 주유소, 주차장, 화물선 등을 쉽게 벗어나지 못한 채 자신에게 주어진 일들을 닥치는 대로 했다. 

하루하루 힘들게 일했지만 그는 근근이 먹고 사는 무일푼 노동자일 뿐이었고, 

그의 이동수단인 낡은 승용차는 누추한 잠자리이기도 했다. 

허드렛일로 간신히 하루를 버텨가던 그는 최선의 노력을 다해 연간 매출이 3,000만 달러인 인력계발회사를 만들었다.

단순히 벌어들이는 돈의 액수만 놀라운 것이 아니라 25만 명의 사람들과 세계 500개 이상의 회사를 상대로 강연회를 진행했다

‘8억원짜리 강의 요약’

1. 모든 세일즈와 기술은 배울 수 있다.​

​-어떤 것이든 배워라.

-스스로 자신에게 점수를 매겨라!

2. 좋아하는 일을 하라.

​-좋아하는 일로 돈을 벌어야 부자가 될 수 있다.

3. 자신의 분야에 최고가 되어라.

​-자신의 선택한 분야의 상위10%에 들려하라.

-그것이 자신없으면 아예 시작하지 마라.

4. 성공하기까지 5~7년 더 이상이 걸린다.

​-조급함에 꿈과 욕심을 혼돈하지 마라.

5. 과거를 되돌아보면 미래가 보인다.

​-성공은 자취를 남긴다.

-멘토, 성공한 사람들의 자취를 찾아라.

6. 회사의 주인이라 생각하라.

​-연봉이 2배 이상으로 오를 것이다.

7. 목표 지향적으로 되어라.

​-지금 자신이 살고 있는 삶은 내가 뿌린것의 댓가이다.

8. 실패를 두려워하지 마라.

 -실패는 똑똑해지는 기회다.

​-성공자들은 실패를 통해 그 방법을 생각해 낸다.

9. 현재 내게 가장 큰 문제는 내 인생의 큰기회를 줄수 있다.

​-발을 줄이지 말고, 더 큰 신발을 사라.

10. 평생 교육이 필요하다.

​-자기 분야에 성공한 사람들에 대한 글을 읽어라.

​​-모든 강좌나 세미나는 꼭 들어라.

11. 일 중독이 되어라.

​-지금 수 많은 사람들과 경쟁중이다.

12. 필요한 사람을 만나라.

​-성공을 위해 필요한 사람과 어울릴 줄 알아야 한다.

13. 인생은 기복이 존재한다.

​-2보 전진을 위한 1보 후퇴가 바로 인생이다.

14. 용기와 끈기를 개발하라.

​-시작하려는 용기와 지속하려는 끈기.

15. 자기 통제 능력이 중요하다.

​-좋든 싫든 해야할 일은 해야 한다.

16. “나는 누구보다 뛰어나다” 이 사실을 기억하라.

​-자신보다 학력이 높다고 기죽지 마라.

-그사람은 단지 너보다 공부하는 능력이 뛰어날 뿐이다.

목표 이루기 실천 응용 방법

1. 종이에 10가지 목표를 써라

2. 자기 자신에게 다음과 같은 질문을 던져라 “이 목표 중 한가지를 하루 안에 이룰 수 있다면, 무엇이 당신의 인생에 도움이 되겠는가?”

3. 질문에 대한 답에 동그라미를 하고 언제까지 이룰 수 있는지를 적어라.

4. 그 일을 이루기 위해 매일 뭔가를 해라.

5. 이 사실을 기억하라. 나아지지 않으면 멈춰있는 것이 아니라 후퇴이다.

★ Brian Tracy’s Top 11 Essential Tips for Living a Successful Life

“The great breakthrough in your life comes when you realize that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself.”

”Spend eighty percent of your time focusing on the opportunities of tomorrow rather than the problems of yesterday.”

“Success comes when you do what you love to do, and commit to being the best in your field.”

One of my absolute favourite personal development people is Brian Tracy. He has written many, many books about success, effectiveness and leadership.

What do I like about him?

He gets to the point quickly. Brian Tracy is one of the most concise writers I have found in the personal development niche so far.

His products are often jampacked with practical value. You get stuff you can use when you buy one of his products rather than just a few tips and a lot of motivational padding.

Here are just 11 of my favourite tips from Brain Tracy at the moment.

If you want to learn much more I highly recommend checking out books – either in paper or audio form – like Time Power and The Psychology of Achievement. Also, check out the Focus & Concentration Paraliminal, it’s my favourite to sharpen my focus and boost effectiveness.

1. Change your self image.

“The person we believe ourselves to be will always act in a manner consistent with our self-image.”

“We will always tend to fulfill our own expectation of ourselves.”

“Move out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”

You will often stop yourself from doing stuff that “just isn’t you”. But when that stuff is the new normal, the stuff you just do because you are you then it becomes a lot easier.

How can you change your own self image?

Here’s what I used to see myself as a fit and healthy person rather than a person who dabbles in such stuff occasionally:

A ton of proof. Your mind needs proof that you are this new person. The proof is the experiences you have had. So if you really dive in and immerse yourself in something like fitness and work out every other/every day, read a lot about it all and are eating healthy stuff in a conscious way you change a lot about your day to day living environment. Expanding your comfort zone like this will quickly give you a lot of experiences and so the change can come about quicker than if you dabble a bit with it for a few years.

Let go of your old self image. In my experience you can shift back and forth between two self images. I think at some point you have to make a shift and let your old identity go if you want to grow. It may be your identity when it comes to health. Or money. Or socially. The problem is that the old image is so familiar and reassuring that your mind may not want to let go. I recommend checking out Let Go! to learn how to better let go of your past self image and other things in your life.

2. Create helpful habits.

“Successful people are simply those with successful habits.”

Pretty simple. Our habits are what we tend to do consistently in our day to day life and so they control our success – or lack of it – very much.

What are successful habits? Some you can find in this article. A few others are:

Do the most productive thing right now.

Do one thing at a time.

Do things even when you don’t feel like it.

How do you install them in your life? Two tips:

The 30 day challenge. You have probably read about this old personal development concept before. Basically, you make a deal with yourself to do one thing for just 30 days (one example: exercise every day) and no more than that. But after those 30 days you may discover that your mind will have become so accustomed to this new behaviour that it will be easier to continue doing it than stop doing it.

Just focus on the process. While doing something for those 30 days you focus on the process rather than the results. I for instance use this when I workout. I don’t take responsibility for the results in my mind. I take responsibility for showing up – even the days when I don’t feel like it – and doing my workout. The results come anyway from that consistent action. And this makes it easier for me to take this action and establish the new habit when I know that is all I need to focus on. Instead of using half of the energy and focus I have available on hoping that I “reach my goal real, real soon”. Focus on the process and you will be a lot more relaxed and prone to continue than if you stare yourself blind on the potential results that never come as quickly as you want to and puts you on an emotional rollercoaster from day to day.

3. Focus on what is useful.

“Whatever you dwell on in the conscious grows in your experience.”

“The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear.”

This is very important and something I think many people don’t grasp the full extent of. I certainly didn’t before. When your focus is split, when you fill your mind just the “normal amount” of negativity or dwell on for example mistakes you are using up valuable time, energy and available focus to pull yourself backwards and to make mountains out of molehills.

Problems seem to become bigger in your mind than they actually are when you dwell on them. But so does, for example, opportunities and gratitude. Your surrounding reality is huge. And the room for interpretations of that reality is wide. What you focus is what you will see in your reality (opportunities vs. more reasons why things suck). What you dwell on becomes bigger and bigger in your mind. And what you think about is what you will act upon.

That’s basically why it’s absolutely crucial to keep your focus and your thoughts in right place and on the positive and useful things in your life as consistently as you can. If you focus on the negative and irrelevant stuff it is quite likely that you never get all those most important things done.

4. Set clear goals. And write them down.

“People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine.”

To be able to focus consistently on what you want you can use goals. If you use them, write down so they transform from thoughts into something physical and real. You can use that piece of paper as a reminder – posted on a wall for example – later on to keep your focus in the right place each and every day.

5. Ask yourself helpful questions.

“After every difficulty, ask yourself two questions: “What did I do right?” and “What would I do differently?”

The questions you ask yourself in life determine much of your outlook and success. If you ask disempowering questions like “what sucks about this?” in any situation then you are creating a lot of unhappiness and victim thinking. If you on the other hand keep it on a useful and empowering level with questions like the ones from Tracy then your chances of succeeding goes up.

You can find more empowering questions in 11 Questions That Could Help You to Vastly Improve the Quality of Your Life in 2009.

6. Luck is predictable.

“I’ve found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often.”

People who take the action and more chances in life tend to get the luck. If you never take chances or action you don’t get the opportunity to get lucky. You might just sit around doing nothing and rationalize it as “being unlucky”.

Also, if someone focuses on what s/he wants s/he tend to find more opportunities and other useful things that someone with a negative focus will simply not “be lucky enough” to see.

7. Focus on the activities that brings you results.

“Most people engage in activities that are tension-relieving rather than goal-achieving.”

This is very true. People love to just take it easy or relieve tension – and create more of it – by procrastinating and complaining instead of doing. It seems easier on the surface but in the long haul it tends to cause you more pain.

Of course, you must take time to relax too. But find a good and helpful balance for the two aspects of life and the best ways and most positive ways to relieve tension. Three suggestions could be regular exercise, meditation in some form or just watching a good movie.

8. Realize that you have to pay the price.

“The price of success must be paid in full, in advance.”

Nothing you really want in life is free. You have to put in hard work to get it. And usually over a long time period. You have to make hard choices and sacrifices.

Now, doing so can produce a lot of happiness along the way and when you reach your destination. But when you take the step from comfortable dreams about success and happiness to actually start doing things then there is always a price to pay. So be prepared for that.

9. Keep going.

“Every great success is an accumulation of thousands of ordinary efforts that no one else sees or appreciates.”

That’s what people like Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan and Bruce Springsteen did. They practiced a lot.

How do you put in all that time and effort if no will reward you right now? Well, you find things you love doing, things you do for yourself – rather than to get someone else’s attention and appreciation – and when things feel rough you just do what you know is the right thing to do anyway. You keep going with persistence but also simple the joy of doing what you love as two supporting friends.

10. Make a decision. Any decision. Just do something.

“Decisiveness is a characteristic of high-performing men and women. Almost any decision is better than no decision at all.”

I harp on about this a lot on the blog from time to time. That’s because it’s one of the most fundamental things that hold people back. Sitting on you hands and hoping that someone else will do something for you usually results in a lot of waiting.

Just make a decision. Try something. The sky will most likely not fall if you fail. You will just feel bad for a short while and learn a few things from asking the question in tip # 5. Then you make new decision based on what you learned and take action again.

11. Take responsibility for your life.

“The happiest people in the world are those who feel absolutely terrific about themselves, and this is the natural outgrowth of accepting total responsibility for every part of their life.”

“The more you like yourself, the better you perform in everything that you do.”

“Disciplining yourself to do what you know is right and important, although difficult, is the high road to pride, self-esteem and personal satisfaction.”

A lot of the tips in this article are based in taking full responsibility for your own life. When you do that you will start doing many of these things naturally like making decisions, putting in hard work and really trying to keep your focus in the right place.

When you decide to take responsibility for your life and doing what you know deep down is right – for example, going to gym instead of lying on the couch eating potato chips – you increase your esteem of yourself. You like yourself more and more as your self esteem goes up.

When your self esteem goes up you feel more worthy of any success and you are less likely to self sabotage in subtle and not so subtle ways. This is crucial and ties back to tip # 1. You tend to behave in alignment with your own self image.

Taking responsibility for your own life and doing the right thing are not the only things you can do to increase your self esteem and success. Another powerful tip is to like/love other people. Why? Because how you view, judge and think about people is usually how you view, judge and think about yourself.

This may sound a bit weird. But try it out for a week or two and see how it affects your view of yourself and your life. You may be surprised.
